Friday, November 30, 2012

Insect Reporting is Complete

As a final project to finish off our study of insects in science, the students presented their insect reports to their classmates. We worked at projecting our voices, sharing key aspects of insect life, including: body features, diet, habitat, life cycle and fun facts. Very informative, colorful, and entertaining.

Shinny with Mr. Modaff

A great morning recess with Mr. Modaff, playing Shinny.

Our Extra Recess With Mr. Modaff (11/30/12)

Winning the Penny War (to support those communities ravaged by Hurricane Sandy) meant that we won an extra recess with Mr. Modaff. We went to the gym for some Shinny, a Native American game played by many different tribes across our lands for hundreds of years. The McWayne version looked more like floor hockey, but we were just as competitive! Loads of fun, and a special chance for the children to bond with their new principal.

Turkey Bowling a Hit!

The PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) Team hosted a school-wide assembly on Friday, and we had two special participants. Both KC (pinsetter) and TJ (bowler) were able to take part. The K-2 Team scored 59 points, but it was the teachers who took the top honors for the day. In the 7th frame, we all sang "Take Me Out to the BOWL Game." By the end, Mr. Modaff used his DJ equipment to help us have a Cosmic Bowling experience. Lots of fun!

1C Wins the Penny War!

Our class won the penny war with terrific participation from all families, and a little bit of strategy. When we found out who was leading the Penny War each day, we decided to add silver coins and dollar bills to classrooms who were NOT in the Top 3. We spread out our "negative points" to all the classrooms equally, and in the end, we won by $20.65 over Mrs. Kilburg's class. Thank you so much for helping our class win a date with Mr. Modaff for a special recess. More importantly, we thank you for helping our school raise more than $4,600 in just 5 days of collecting. What's most amazing is that about $4,000 of that money was COINS! Can you imagine?? This magnificent amount (I'm pretty sure) will be sent to an initiative called, "Restore the Shore." More information on that will follow from the principal. Way to go, 1C! (This picture was of Ms. Hubbard's bowl on the last day when her class was in the lead. All those bills and coins are negative points toward her total.)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Halloween Fun

A special thank you to our families for helping make our Halloween a special event at school. We enjoyed the parade outdoors, before coming in to a party filled with tables of food, crafts and fun. We loved our parrrrrrty!