Friday, March 11, 2016

Oobleck: Is it a Solid or a Liquid??? - 3-11-16

We spent the week learning about properties of solids and then liquids, in science. We found that solids have their own specific shape, and that they can be hard, soft, rigid, flexible, pointy, rough, smooth, or other properties.  The students observed liquids with different properties, including: colored, sticky, foamy, bubbly, transparent, translucent and viscous.

Our week ended after we had read Bartholomew and the Oobleck, by Dr. Seuss. By mixing equal parts of corn starch and water, then mixing in blue and yellow to make it green, the children explored the properties of this mysterious goo.  At the conclusion, we found Oobleck to have properties of both solids and liquids.  Seven students thought Oobleck was a solid, while 10 believed it to be a liquid. Two students said it was both!  Make some at home, and decide for yourselves.

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